Sphone and Technology Realm
Titles: Sphone, Sphone and Tech, Technology Realm, Innovation of technology on wireless and network. Engineering topics too.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Solubility Products, Common Ion Effect, Hardness of Water: Discussion, Conclusion, Safety Notes
general, springily soluble with math formula of LeChatelier’s principle has been useful on salt solubles. A
low soluble can be a dynamically equilibrium so its concentration on its ion is
Express BaSO4 in
math formula on LeChatelier’s Principle has main compunds the Barium and Sulfate
BaSO4 (s) º Ba+2(aq) + SO4-2 (aq)
The equilibrium expression for this reaction is:
for a given temperature, we can
rewrite the expression as:
Ksp is called the
solubility product constant.
other has been issue on how soluble can be a sparingly soluble by modern gadget
and equipment used. The solution is Ca(OH)2 and the result is about
small so its called sparingly soluble. Data shows how this happened and implies
on mixing some concentration like NH3-NH4Cl solution in
order to give better analysis on experiment. It solution can be determine the
moles and its concentration calculations.
This data has substance of one mole Ca+2 and 2 moles OH-1
are present in solution.
The experiment also
gives an idea of pertaining to the ph of substance that can be use if the
solution is acidic or base. Some
measurement as added like filtration paper in which some of its property like
color has been change. PH indicator is good for detection how much acidic and
base of substance is. This PH indicator for the measurement of [OH-1]
in which it’s precisely measurement also th Ksp and the molar
solubility. Ions have been added to solution to predict the molar solubility of
said substances.
Hereby, this experiment has
result, based on this the common ion was reduces the soluility of Sparingly
Soluble Salt. We have 0.012 vs. 0.013. This agrees with LeChatelier’s principle.
Safety notes
On lab, always be ready for
things, pls wear gloves cause substance can be irate skin, protect the eye,
wear lab coat and be careful on chemical used. Don’t direct inhale near on
experiment instead use mask for protection on do inhale and exhale near on experiment
of chemistry. And be careful with indicator.
Solubility Products, Common Ion Effect, Hardness of Water : Experimental Procoline
in experiment are interesting for scientist, student, or/ and researchers,
chemist. Must be properly guide and be always have safely tools on it. There
are 2 procedure on this experiment these are Determination of Ksp and Molar Solubility of Ca(OH)2
and Molar Solubility of Ca(OH)2 in the
presence of Ca+2 .
Part I. Determination of
Ksp and Molar
Solubility of Ca(OH)2
1. Prepare
two 50-mL burets then clamp it. Fill each by a tap water and 1.25 x 10-3 Rinse
the clean buret and on tap water dispense 25.00ml of water into a 125mL
Erlenmeyer flask tip with two 2-mL portions of standardized NH3-NH4Cl
solution Erlenmeyer flask.
2. Next
add 4 drops of eriochromeblack T indicator to the Erlenmeyer flash, Swirl, then
place the Erlenmeyer flask under the burret containing the EDTA (red wine
color). When it turns blue its good indication and the processed is done.
3. Take
a filter paper, fold it in quarters and partially in cone like a funnel and
place it into 250 ml beaker. Slowly filter it on said experiment.
Rinse a 50-mL pipet with 1 or 2 mL of the saturated
Ca(OH)2 solution and discard.
Pipet 50.00 mL of the filtrate into a clean 125-mL Erlenmeyer flask and
add 4 drops of eriochromeblack T
indicator. Record the EDTA burret. Titrate with the standard HCl
solution. Record the finaL volume (± 0.01mL) needed to just turn the solution color from red
wine color to blue. Repeat the titration with two new samples of Ca(OH)2.
Part II. Determination of Molar Solubility of Ca(OH)2 in the
presence of Ca+2
1. Repeat
Part I, steps 2 – 3.
2. Add
2ml of buffer solution to the Erlenmeyer flask followed by 4 drops
eriochromeblack T indicator. Place this flask to burret with EDTA and record
the titrate result done for the solution turn to blue.
Part A
Name of salt
being used is: Calcium
Formula of the
salt being used is: CaSO4
Mass of salt used is: 0.5g
Volume of water used: 125mL
Name of the
same salt used as used in Part A is Calcium
Formula of the
same salt used as used in Part A is CaSO4
Mass of salt used is: 0.5g
Identity of the common ion salt (Na2SO4
or NaF) Na2SO4
Concentration of the stock solution 0.01
Volume of the stock solution used 100
Part C
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Initial tap water buret reading/mL
Final tap water buret reading/mL
Volume of the tap water dispensed from the buret/mL
Initial EDTA buret reading/mL
Final EDTA buret reading/mL
Volume of EDTA used for the titration/mL
Part D
Initial volume reading of buret containing the filtered
salt solution 4.5 mL
Final Volume reading of buret containing th filtered salt
solution 4.7 mL
Vcasoln = volume of the filtered salt solution
used (32)-(31) is 0.2 mL
Initial volume reading of EDTA buret is 25 mL
Final volume reading of EDTA buret is 46 mL
VEDTA = Volume of EDTA used in (35)-(34) 25 mL
Part E
Initial volume reading of buret containing the filtered
salt/common ion solution 40 mL
Final volume reading of buret containing the filtered
salt/common ion solution 43 mL
Vcasoln =
Volume of filtered salt/common solution used = (41) – (40) = 3 mL
Initial volume reading of EDTA buret is 20 mL
Final volume reading of EDTA buret is 49 mL
VEDTA = Volume of EDTA used in (44)-(43) 29 mL
Solubility Products, Common Ion Effect, Hardness of Water : Introduction
General term of equilibrium is zero balance on state,
however in real thing it’s just a small fraction of state or body, for instance
in body or thing which in state of little fraction of movement (according to
formable bodies, branch of engineering materials, stress or strain) or in a
branch of chemistry when ions concentrated on solution might slightly soluble. This
follows a general description of LeChatelier’s principle.
a generic equilibrium on Ion effect of solution is reaction of a springily
soluble salt having a general ratio
The corresponding equilibrium of
expression (Ksp)
Solubility Products, Common Ion Effect, Hardness of Water : Abstract
In modern time, many discoveries are indeed useful to our
health and to our society, this include the researches about salt that can be
harmful to human if not tested carefully certainly by the expert and scientist.
Upon of this, many apparatus and gadget in technology used about this and many
procedure come up in a conclusion to benefits to human kind. In this case CT
scans use for patient and these patients are given a springily soluble of salt,
a suspension of BaSO4 barium sulfate, just a little solubility
because these are poisonous.
are springily soluble means it has low mass dissolves with water. Upon for
this, the low concentration of solution has also low concentration of ions and
slightly soluble.
In this
experiments, useful equipment are essential tools that properly instructed by
standard and good things on procedures. A 50 mL burret (2), burret clamp,
pipets and pi-pumps with some chemistry tools like beaker and stir rod are
essential for this experiment. Carefully handle the tools and equipment with
nice precision to have better results.
result of this experiment expected to be low solvent or the common ion reduces
the solubility of Sparingly Soluble Salt that accordance to LeChatelier’s principle which states on equilibrium
state of system will respond to restore a new equilibrium state, this could be
near zero or balance.
Monday, June 10, 2019
Thermodynamic Concert with Semiconductor.
Thermodynamics or also know the study of energy forms that relate to physical science is useful on industries, country and this now said modern times.
Upon applied science, successful inventions are getting forward on a chemical reaction system that operates engines that relate to thermodynamics.
Chemical Kinetics or called reaction kinetics is a study of a rate of the chemical reaction by experimental by usually use if chemical reactors. <wikipedia.com>
The simplest type of reactor is a batch reactor. The material is loaded into the batch reactor and the reaction is allowed to continue over time. Discontinuous reactors do not reach the steady-state and often require temperature, pressure and volume control. Therefore, many discontinuous reactors have ports for sensors and inputs and outputs of materials. One example of a batch reactor is a pressure reactor.
This has a fluid reagent that stirred into a tank reactor by impeller for removing the effluent from a reactor. Division of volume of the tank by the average volumetric flow rate the tank over time that essential for a process on reactor fluid.
This reactor has a pump or tube that used for a pump a one or more fluid reagent. As the reagent passes through the PFR, the chemical reaction continues. In this type of reactor, the changing reaction rate produces a gradient with respect to the displacement distance. At PFR input, the speed is very fast, but as the product concentration increases, the reagent concentration decreases and the reaction rate decreases.
Semi-continuous reactors operate on continuous and batch inputs and outputs. For example, fermenters contain a medium that must be continuously removed and a stream of carbon dioxide that produces microorganisms.
Also implemented as plug flow reactors but a more complex process. The rate of the catalytic reaction is proportional to the amount of catalyst in contact with the reagent and the concentration of the reactants. Solid phase catalysts and liquid phase reactants are used which are directly proportional to the diffusion area of the reactants and products, the diffusion efficiency of the reactants and the efficiency of the mixture.
An ideal model does not mean axial mixing. Each liquid element passing through the reactor does not mix with the upstream or downstream liquid, as the term "component flow" implies.
Another thing to do is the reagent that placed within the reactor than the inlet that makes greater efficiency or low cost of the bar.
For efficiency, it has greater than a jacket of similar size. Also on speed percentage on jacket bar and not true for reversible feedback.
This is not 100% reaction complete, it has to do with a point on a dynamic equilibrium where reaction rate decrease.
Plug Flow Reactor use on the field of gas and liquid phase system for the use of it on gasoline production, oil crackling, synthesis of ammonia from that element and oxidation of sulfur dioxide to sulfur dioxide.
Upon applied science, successful inventions are getting forward on a chemical reaction system that operates engines that relate to thermodynamics.
Chemical Kinetics or called reaction kinetics is a study of a rate of the chemical reaction by experimental by usually use if chemical reactors. <wikipedia.com>
The simplest type of reactor is a batch reactor. The material is loaded into the batch reactor and the reaction is allowed to continue over time. Discontinuous reactors do not reach the steady-state and often require temperature, pressure and volume control. Therefore, many discontinuous reactors have ports for sensors and inputs and outputs of materials. One example of a batch reactor is a pressure reactor.
This has a fluid reagent that stirred into a tank reactor by impeller for removing the effluent from a reactor. Division of volume of the tank by the average volumetric flow rate the tank over time that essential for a process on reactor fluid.
This reactor has a pump or tube that used for a pump a one or more fluid reagent. As the reagent passes through the PFR, the chemical reaction continues. In this type of reactor, the changing reaction rate produces a gradient with respect to the displacement distance. At PFR input, the speed is very fast, but as the product concentration increases, the reagent concentration decreases and the reaction rate decreases.
Semi-continuous reactors operate on continuous and batch inputs and outputs. For example, fermenters contain a medium that must be continuously removed and a stream of carbon dioxide that produces microorganisms.
Also implemented as plug flow reactors but a more complex process. The rate of the catalytic reaction is proportional to the amount of catalyst in contact with the reagent and the concentration of the reactants. Solid phase catalysts and liquid phase reactants are used which are directly proportional to the diffusion area of the reactants and products, the diffusion efficiency of the reactants and the efficiency of the mixture.
An ideal model does not mean axial mixing. Each liquid element passing through the reactor does not mix with the upstream or downstream liquid, as the term "component flow" implies.
Another thing to do is the reagent that placed within the reactor than the inlet that makes greater efficiency or low cost of the bar.
For efficiency, it has greater than a jacket of similar size. Also on speed percentage on jacket bar and not true for reversible feedback.
This is not 100% reaction complete, it has to do with a point on a dynamic equilibrium where reaction rate decrease.
Plug Flow Reactor use on the field of gas and liquid phase system for the use of it on gasoline production, oil crackling, synthesis of ammonia from that element and oxidation of sulfur dioxide to sulfur dioxide.
Good Coding Practices for Software developers
Developers and most of them are on the right track that has a good result. In fact, in the behind of this prototypes, there is common no errors during the process of coding. This could be avoidable and be commonly used for a recheck and recognize it.
There could be an action of 3 bad coding practices: the misalignment of code, also not put some comment on source code and make some typos errors.
Would be good to have commented on the code in order to recognize more what that particular function does? Yes, the comment is a good habit of coding practices. Moreover, there is now IDE- Integrated Development Environment that can check the misalignment of code and typos errors.
Being an analyst trainee, it is the first time encountered such algorithm that enhances coding skill. A worrying thing happened during on work time has been made, and that why be thankful for stuff that helped to solve some coding problems. There are some c programming exercises that encountered during that training. After all, the majority of problems depends on how virus embedded in PE header file and how it is being treated for the reverse engineering process. Due to the technical solution, there might be a solution, thanks to coworkers.
Such an application is a need for its configuration, some step can check how its work.
Step 1. It's quality and requirements
Due to many designs of the product, it is important how this product's performance, set an expectation what would it is quality.
Step 2. Check what it's a platform
Many software packages have been modified for each platform. This suit its functionality.
Step 3. Use the platform and also sharing is good.
This includes the code quality of an application. Github is good for sharing information about software codes. And, JIRA is the most commonly used tool for bug tracking
Being a developer consultant (on online), that was a heck of analyzing codes of c++. Some are not been made on time, however, thanks to the developer Zohar Mozafi he considered the time at true skills. This had an exercise of c/c++ programming language. Some of the time to analyze is to get information on the internet. Many developers have encountered such as this.
There could be an action of 3 bad coding practices: the misalignment of code, also not put some comment on source code and make some typos errors.
Would be good to have commented on the code in order to recognize more what that particular function does? Yes, the comment is a good habit of coding practices. Moreover, there is now IDE- Integrated Development Environment that can check the misalignment of code and typos errors.
Being an analyst trainee, it is the first time encountered such algorithm that enhances coding skill. A worrying thing happened during on work time has been made, and that why be thankful for stuff that helped to solve some coding problems. There are some c programming exercises that encountered during that training. After all, the majority of problems depends on how virus embedded in PE header file and how it is being treated for the reverse engineering process. Due to the technical solution, there might be a solution, thanks to coworkers.
Such an application is a need for its configuration, some step can check how its work.
Step 1. It's quality and requirements
Due to many designs of the product, it is important how this product's performance, set an expectation what would it is quality.
Step 2. Check what it's a platform
Many software packages have been modified for each platform. This suit its functionality.
Step 3. Use the platform and also sharing is good.
This includes the code quality of an application. Github is good for sharing information about software codes. And, JIRA is the most commonly used tool for bug tracking
Being a developer consultant (on online), that was a heck of analyzing codes of c++. Some are not been made on time, however, thanks to the developer Zohar Mozafi he considered the time at true skills. This had an exercise of c/c++ programming language. Some of the time to analyze is to get information on the internet. Many developers have encountered such as this.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
10 Important Things on Communication and Mass Media
1. The definition of mass media is how the information is sent to many
people and this answer is intended by using technology. Mass media can be a
source of music, show or current issues like news so that mass audience stays
update on these issues by knowing the detail that has been in form of
newspapers, radio, internet, television, and magazines. Now the platform like
the internet is more convenience than past time because of new technology in
recent times. Upon this modern technology, mass media influence the public
opinion which it possible to the public to view the events through TV and other
video capturing device. On TV, a lot of commercials has been broadcast with
lavish design and wonderful sound on a product that makes consumer behavior
change and could buy those things. This mass media helps on innovating the
industry to have more trends powerful economic.
2. About
process of information is referred to communication. There are components of
sender-receiver model and this is:
Context- an idea makes its effective
throughout communication also include aspects like an example of on a country
that has unique communication from its own perspective.
Sender/Encoder – one who sends a message
is called encoder who put an idea into spoken language, for instance, a sender
who sends a message in understandable to a receiver. The encoder uses also
symbols, graphs to get good respond.
Message- This is the information between
sender and receiver that conveys an idea, for example, the point of the message
is clear and concise.
Medium- It is the channel between the sender
and receiver. For instance, a sender
sends message to a receiver through a
message, print, electronics, or speech which has sound.
Receiver/Decoder – a person who receive or
recipient of a message. For instance, a person might receive an opinion.
Feedback – A response on receiver upon
taking the message. For instance, feedback is an important role in business
that enhances more products due to a feedback of consumers.
3. Three forms of media, which are
print, broadcast and digital. The print is the oldest form of media. Print
includes newspaper, magazines. It's something to do with readership material
that has facts like in news. A broadcast is a form of media that has embedded
with a technology of television or radio, the audience listens to the
information sent by this media and more of audience relies on a broadcast.
Digital is the newest form of media, it comprises electronics device that can
transmit a message like a readership, watch and listen form. It likes to be an
internet based and some is stored info on an electronics device.
the technology become advance, audience interest on it that’s why many gadgets
are now used for convenience and easier communication that people easily adapt
to this technology. This gadget is now used and channel moved to modern
Mass media are considered profit centered. A lot of information is
entertainment and lot of own of broadcast has a large products of large company
which the number of medium like newspaper declined due to modern technology as
it can be put in business so that the business ownership could use large scale
of mass medium and called conglomerate that own media companies like Sony have
own media called Micronics. This affects book industry because of modern gadget
wide use for business.
Many pop and culture are in form in music, dance, and classify as rock
music and roll. Use of media can be enhancing its performance in build
recognition on reconciliation to its own culture. The best medium for affecting
culture is modern build technology. This is gadget filled with modern
The modern medium has much functionality and it has a friendlier user.
Unlike to past time it looks like its evolve into modernized platform but books
as medium has unique characteristics, it has to be handily and good to read on
eyes, it has own purpose and unique subject and can be used by student on
school for learning and it is said to be good for children for learning process
and it has lavishly design and this is how book adapted over time.
A newspaper is important to the public and it has been part of our daily
like for several centuries. It’s kind of medium that are occurring around the
world for inform of important events. It has been used by ancient Rome by
carved the information on stone and over centuries the changed happened that
newspaper is on paper by a printing press in the Unites States and through the
world. Today it’s adapted also through modern gadget like a newspaper on the
The medium like visual video, sound, and other media outlet are combined
and merge in one platform can be embedded on media are called Media
convergence. Media convergence allows multiple media in one platform. For
example, the live streaming on YouTube and the other is the comprehensive
website with many multimedia on it.
Importance of mass media is essential to our daily lives and through
modern technologies, mass media is always getting used to on it even print is
important for nowadays. The book can be used for educational purposes.
Electronics media is also a new form of media that can be useful for business
and economy in which the modern media is abode also on modern technology as a
message is more explained and concise in a different form.
The film is one of the oldest medium used on humanity. The oldest is
known on Chinese (painting) about 400BCE. The first motion film in the US is about
1878 AD. On the 19th century, the film has enhanced its brightness and color. The
20th-century film is now on cinema run by modern technologies. On recent time,
there is a digital film. The film is important that why it remain as one of
mass medium because it gives human to have the ability to connect human
experiences, and in social activity.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Better Reader of IT-man (Information Technology)-man
Writing clean code requires a lot of practice and effort and it is essential to the success of the project. But it is worth extra effort. These are good techniques in order to ensure high quality and maintainability code in projects.
These techniques include the variable name must be unique and easy to remember. Also, there is technology such do comment in a function that can be easily understood by another user. And another is a good function.
In these given example techniques, giving a good comment on function is a technique that can be good to others, indeed it is recognized what function or code it does.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Chemical Process Briefly Explained
The batch process is a kind of chemical reactor that processed by a vessel in various operation in industries such as mixing of product, crystallization, polymerization, chemical reaction, solids dissolution. This involves some structures like the body of the boiler, the agitator, and devices such as heat transfer, its transmission and the seal of a road. Moreover, its feature generates it one is to one input to an output of materials that put and out on the reactor with efficient heat transfer, temperature and has flexible control, operate in reaction condition. There are some cases that its application needs a gas other than oxygen that fused on the inlet on the batch reactor liquids. This could be called aerators.
Batch reactors are a generic term for the type of vessel widely used in the process industry. The name is an inappropriate name because this type of container is used for several process operations such as solvent dissolution, product mixing, chemical reaction, batch washing, crystallization, liquid / liquid extraction. The polymerization. In some cases, they are not called reactors, but they have names that indicate the role they play (as in crystallizers or bioreactors).
The principle of turbine flow meters has something to do with pipes, blades, and rotor. The rate of flow in pipes has been flowing on pipes via a rotor that spins and this flow has passed on its blades and the thing on this measurement is called turbine flow meter. Mathematically, the rotational speed of the rotor in pipes is a direct function of flow rate and its sensed by magnetic pick-up, photoelectric cell or gears.
There are volumetric turbine flow meter and velocity turbine flow. These are basic classification types of this flow meter and have different units, mL/min for volumetric turbine flow and ft./sec for velocity turbine flow. Classification of Volumetric turbine flow can be in a state of gas or liquid and can be-be critical need for measurement in many industrial plants so that it has an accurate flow of measurement, for business to have gain profit on this operation in industries. Inaccurate measurement can result in distrust of people in their company. So as of be carefulness, there are important parameters to consider when specifying turbine flow meters include velocity flow rate range, liquid volumetric flow rate, operating pressure, fluid temperature, material density, and material viscosity in order to have met its accuracy. On the other types, the velocity flow applies sensor. rate range applies only to those turbine flow meters that are velocity flow sensors or meters.
Importance of this can be maximized its accuracy, include the parameter of pressure. Viscosity is an important role for this that make include on a process on turbine flow measurement. It’s dependable on materials needed that the turbine can be stand or withstand like in turbine exposure at some temperature. In relation to viscosity, the higher viscosity, the higher pressure drops, or lower viscosity the lower pressure drops so selection material must be considered as used. Also, the pipe diameter is important to use.
Cloud Computing Briefly Explained
Unlike previous times, today's technology is very rich and sophisticated. The machine can now switch to the touch screen as a touch pad. The control panel has award-winning visualization data to ensure creative productivity in market competition. Use graphics to improve it and make navigating easier.
Cloud computing and its some applications
Technology today is very enhancing and high, unlike the previous time. A machine can now navigate on display of touch like a touchPad. A dashboard has a winning display data, and it ensures creative productive on the market competition. Enhance this using graphs, and easy to navigate.
One of the uses of cloud computing for email is retrieving and storing data and these are fast. That's why it relates to storing and even no individual hard drive is needed for sorting files. Here are examples of a company that offers Cloud Computing: Google Drive, as an experienced end user, Google offers storage like Microsoft Excel that can retrieve and store on the internet. This is called the Google sheet. Apple iCloud, Same for synchronization of email contacts, the calendar and etc. Amazon Cloud Drive, this about synchronization of music, hybrid synchronization for both file and music with time and Cloud Hardware, like Chromebook that is fully cloud-centric. Their application is about using the operating system that can synchronize every file, data like apps from a web browser to OS, and vice-versa. For much additional information about these visit to See at Their frequency and question asked and Their website online.
For convenience, cloud computing is important to businessman and end users. For play a role in managing the payroll system, the data is protected, the important files even not store in their memory card but on the internet as an intangible thing. For business, it raises Their income, as noted in an Economy, the demand, and supply law, when the demand is high then the price is high too but lowers the resource, the internet has not limited in one-thing, so the income is high for the businessman.
In market strategies, the elasticity will measure up, it Serves as the demand basis scale. it is possible to make a business about cloud for some study reasons. It can be in open public. For security, it should be in private.
As definition, cloud computing is the practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.
Cloud computing is a type of computing that relies on shared computing resources rather than processing applications using local servers or personal devices.
In the simplest case, cloud computing uses services ("cloud services") and moves them to the firewall of the organization. Applications, storage and other services are accessed through the web. Services are delivered and used through the Internet and paid by cloud customers according to the business model or payment for use as needed.
Conclusion as Benefits
It might include the following:
- Convenience
- Scalability
- Low costs
- Security
- Anytime, anywhere access
- High availability.
GNS3 on Network
1. The layout of a network is from the data given from project 3. The aim of this is to assign the IP and MAC address for 3 hosts and add one host. The following are the step how the computer network works and the host pass data through switch –router –switch.
2. Each host has identified according to their IP address. This configuration is delivered by right-click the host icon and then choose console. Type IP [address] [netmask] [gateway]. The data is given and assigned to each host. The netmask is
3. Each router has connected. Router Engineer, Montebello, and CEBIS are routers which its connect each other so the configuration on each ethernet has defined actually, to access IP address on each router connected, are numbered 3 like Engineer router to Montebello router and CEBIS router and to the switch.
Engineer Router Configuration
Montebello Router Configuration
CEBIS Router Configuration
4. The output is shown on a ping from PC2 to PC1. Actually, a ping has 4-6 times display passes through the network. Timeout not delivered or received data. The bytes there is the size of ping packet pass through the network. Packet means a mode of transmission which a message is in part make small and sent through a network on destination through route. The icmp_seq a fragmented request sent by router. TTL is the number of hop of packets how long takes these packets to a destination. It depends on number TTL.
5.Router IP Route and ARP
Engineering IP Route and ARP
Montebello IP Route and ARP
CEBIS IP Route and ARP
ARP or address resolution protocol is a protocol that representing IP address of hardware addresses of the remote and IP addresses set at the local endpoint. The router handles the IP connection to it, for example, PC1 is connected to Engineer Router so its show IP address of PC1 through Ethernet. However, IP route on the router can display the routes that network flows. Each terminal displays its IP address. This terminal can be kinds of ethernets, switches, and hubs.
6. PC1 its IP address is
PC2its IP addrees is
PC3 its IP address is
There is no arp on hosts.
7. PC1 MAC: 00:50:79:66:58:00
PC2 MAC: 00:50:79:66:58:01
PC3 MAC: 00:50:79:66:58:02
MAC address has been configured by type on console on host show ip.
8. There capture on other GNS3, the Wireshark can detect the map data from a network so that can be seen ff:
Each column has assigned as No. Time, source, destination, protocol, length, and info. It was captured on a network and this is a packet list to one packet that is in the capture file.Wireshark shows level of a protocol of high levels. The column No. is the number of the pockets and not change. Time is the timestamp. The source which packets are gathered from. A destination where the data or address where the packet is going to, Protocol, its name of protocol like TCP, or IP, length also included in each packet, the information is also given on info column.
The new host is added on Montebello Router. The gateway of this host must same to the gateway to its network family on Montebella Router. The Ip configuration must different in level 10.1.2.x, the x range from 0 to 255 but its different to assigned at same with the configuration on IP. Ping has been successfully configured.
The new host is added on Montebello Router. The gateway of this host must same to the gateway to its network family on Montebello Router. The Ip configuration must different in level 10.1.2.x, the x range from 0 to 255 but its different to assigned at same with the configuration on IP. Ping has been successfully configured.
10. OSI layers or as known as open system interconnection which defines as a model for management in a network that implements protocol on a computer has 7 layers. The transmission through this is a definition of encapsulation and decapsulation of data which received and transmitted thought OSI layers. levels of OSI arrangement are application presentation session transport network datalink physical.For encapsulation, there is a movement of data from OSI layers from Presentation to Physical. Data packets containing headers and data from upper layers are converted into data to be repacked at the next lower level in the lower layer header. The header is supplementary information placed at the beginning of the data block at the time of transmission. This supplemental data is used at the receiving side to extract data from the encapsulated data packet. Packaging this data in each layer is known as data encapsulation. The reverse process of encapsulation (or decapsulation) occurs when data is received at the destination computer. When the data passes from the Physical of the TCP / IP protocol stack (input transmission), each layer decompresses the corresponding header and delivers the packet to the network application using the information contained in the header exactly the data waited for on the Application layer.
Final Output of Project 3.
Print Screen by GNS3.
2. Each host has identified according to their IP address. This configuration is delivered by right-click the host icon and then choose console. Type IP [address] [netmask] [gateway]. The data is given and assigned to each host. The netmask is
Engineer Router Configuration
Montebello Router Configuration
CEBIS Router Configuration
4. The output is shown on a ping from PC2 to PC1. Actually, a ping has 4-6 times display passes through the network. Timeout not delivered or received data. The bytes there is the size of ping packet pass through the network. Packet means a mode of transmission which a message is in part make small and sent through a network on destination through route. The icmp_seq a fragmented request sent by router. TTL is the number of hop of packets how long takes these packets to a destination. It depends on number TTL.
5.Router IP Route and ARP
Engineering IP Route and ARP
Montebello IP Route and ARP
CEBIS IP Route and ARP
ARP or address resolution protocol is a protocol that representing IP address of hardware addresses of the remote and IP addresses set at the local endpoint. The router handles the IP connection to it, for example, PC1 is connected to Engineer Router so its show IP address of PC1 through Ethernet. However, IP route on the router can display the routes that network flows. Each terminal displays its IP address. This terminal can be kinds of ethernets, switches, and hubs.
6. PC1 its IP address is
PC2its IP addrees is
PC3 its IP address is
There is no arp on hosts.
7. PC1 MAC: 00:50:79:66:58:00
PC2 MAC: 00:50:79:66:58:01
PC3 MAC: 00:50:79:66:58:02
MAC address has been configured by type on console on host show ip.
8. There capture on other GNS3, the Wireshark can detect the map data from a network so that can be seen ff:
Each column has assigned as No. Time, source, destination, protocol, length, and info. It was captured on a network and this is a packet list to one packet that is in the capture file.Wireshark shows level of a protocol of high levels. The column No. is the number of the pockets and not change. Time is the timestamp. The source which packets are gathered from. A destination where the data or address where the packet is going to, Protocol, its name of protocol like TCP, or IP, length also included in each packet, the information is also given on info column.
The new host is added on Montebello Router. The gateway of this host must same to the gateway to its network family on Montebella Router. The Ip configuration must different in level 10.1.2.x, the x range from 0 to 255 but its different to assigned at same with the configuration on IP. Ping has been successfully configured.
The new host is added on Montebello Router. The gateway of this host must same to the gateway to its network family on Montebello Router. The Ip configuration must different in level 10.1.2.x, the x range from 0 to 255 but its different to assigned at same with the configuration on IP. Ping has been successfully configured.
10. OSI layers or as known as open system interconnection which defines as a model for management in a network that implements protocol on a computer has 7 layers. The transmission through this is a definition of encapsulation and decapsulation of data which received and transmitted thought OSI layers. levels of OSI arrangement are application presentation session transport network datalink physical.For encapsulation, there is a movement of data from OSI layers from Presentation to Physical. Data packets containing headers and data from upper layers are converted into data to be repacked at the next lower level in the lower layer header. The header is supplementary information placed at the beginning of the data block at the time of transmission. This supplemental data is used at the receiving side to extract data from the encapsulated data packet. Packaging this data in each layer is known as data encapsulation. The reverse process of encapsulation (or decapsulation) occurs when data is received at the destination computer. When the data passes from the Physical of the TCP / IP protocol stack (input transmission), each layer decompresses the corresponding header and delivers the packet to the network application using the information contained in the header exactly the data waited for on the Application layer.
Final Output of Project 3.
Print Screen by GNS3.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Field-Effect Transistor Overview
Important characteristics of Field-Effect Transistor (FET) is its high input impedance (mega Ohms) compared to that of BJT (Kilo Ohms).
Field-Effect Transistor is a three terminal device that has used in the semiconductor industry. It controls a voltage(unlike Bipolar Junction Transistor, current control). FET 3 terminals are a drain, source, and gate. The voltage on drain creates an electric field that creates an electric field to control a current flowing through a channel in a semiconductor. In a large scale of development technology, it has a product that is useful I many semiconductor applications like gadgets and smartphone. Also, its operation has good on (Radio Frequency) RF technology and power control, also for a switch for general amplification.
Field-Effect Transistor classifies into three, a junction field-effect transistor(JFET), a metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), and a metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor(MESFET).
Due to the inherent sensitivity of the impedance of the drain source to the source voltage of the gate, the JFET can actually be used as a voltage control resistor.
There are two types of MOSFET: depletion and enhancement. Each of MOSFET has transfer characteristics and this FET are similar to the transfer characteristic of JFET. The drain of MOSFET is continue but JFET can end. The transfer characteristics is up to the IDSS level.
The aarrow part of a JFET or MOSFET symbol of channel n always points to the center of the symbol, while that of channel p devices always lies outside the symbol.
The vertical metal oxide and silicon FET (VMOS), a layer of SiO2 that locate in between the gate and the p-type region,is a metal surface connection to the terminal of the device, drain and source for the inductive n-type inductive channel growth . (Operation in improvement mode) VMOS has a positive temperature coefficient and there is the possibility of thermal leakage. The switching is faster than the traditional configuration.
CMOS (complementary MOSFET) uses a unique combination of a pair of external leads, a p-channel MOSFET and a n-channel MOSFET. One of characteristics of CMOS is very high input impedance, other is fast switching speeds and low power levels of operation, CMOS is very useful in digital or logic circuits.
The depletion type MESFET includes a metal-semiconductor junction, and as a result, characteristics can be obtained that match the characteristics of the n-channel depletion-type JFET. There are also MOSFET type enhancement features.
MOSFETs are the most common transistors in digital circuits, and memory chips or microprocessors may include hundreds or hundreds of millions. Because it can be made of p-type or type semiconductors, complementary Mos transistor pairs can be used to implement switching circuits with very low energy consumption of CMOS logic.
Microprocessor architecture A microprocessor is a unique IC packet in which many useful functions are incorporated and converted into a single silicon semiconductor chip. Its architecture consists of a central processing unit, memory modules, a bus system and input / output devices.
Brief Explanation and Types
Three terminals of FETs are known as Source, Drain and Gate.
Field-Effect Transistor classifies into three, a junction field-effect transistor(JFET), a metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), and a metal-semiconductor field-effect transistor(MESFET).
Due to the inherent sensitivity of the impedance of the drain source to the source voltage of the gate, the JFET can actually be used as a voltage control resistor.
There are two types of MOSFET: depletion and enhancement. Each of MOSFET has transfer characteristics and this FET are similar to the transfer characteristic of JFET. The drain of MOSFET is continue but JFET can end. The transfer characteristics is up to the IDSS level.
The aarrow part of a JFET or MOSFET symbol of channel n always points to the center of the symbol, while that of channel p devices always lies outside the symbol.
The vertical metal oxide and silicon FET (VMOS), a layer of SiO2 that locate in between the gate and the p-type region,is a metal surface connection to the terminal of the device, drain and source for the inductive n-type inductive channel growth . (Operation in improvement mode) VMOS has a positive temperature coefficient and there is the possibility of thermal leakage. The switching is faster than the traditional configuration.
CMOS (complementary MOSFET) uses a unique combination of a pair of external leads, a p-channel MOSFET and a n-channel MOSFET. One of characteristics of CMOS is very high input impedance, other is fast switching speeds and low power levels of operation, CMOS is very useful in digital or logic circuits.
The depletion type MESFET includes a metal-semiconductor junction, and as a result, characteristics can be obtained that match the characteristics of the n-channel depletion-type JFET. There are also MOSFET type enhancement features.
MOSFETs are the most common transistors in digital circuits, and memory chips or microprocessors may include hundreds or hundreds of millions. Because it can be made of p-type or type semiconductors, complementary Mos transistor pairs can be used to implement switching circuits with very low energy consumption of CMOS logic.
Microprocessor architecture A microprocessor is a unique IC packet in which many useful functions are incorporated and converted into a single silicon semiconductor chip. Its architecture consists of a central processing unit, memory modules, a bus system and input / output devices.
Important characteristics of Field-Effect Transistor (FET) is its high input impedance (mega Ohms) compared to that of BJT (Kilo Ohms).
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