Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Solubility Products, Common Ion Effect, Hardness of Water: Discussion, Conclusion, Safety Notes

            In general, springily soluble with math formula of LeChatelier’s principle has been useful on salt solubles. A low soluble can be a dynamically equilibrium so its concentration on its ion is low.
            Express BaSO4 in math formula on LeChatelier’s Principle has main compunds the Barium and Sulfate

BaSO4 (s)  º  Ba+2(aq)  + SO4-2 (aq)

The equilibrium expression for this reaction is:

 Since in a heterogeneous equilibrium the concentration of solid BaSO4 is a constant
for a given temperature, we can rewrite the expression as:

Ksp is called the solubility product constant.

            Many other has been issue on how soluble can be a sparingly soluble by modern gadget and equipment used. The solution is  Ca(OH)2 and the result is about small so its called sparingly soluble. Data shows how this happened and implies on mixing some concentration like NH3-NH4Cl solution in order to give better analysis on experiment. It solution can be determine the moles and its concentration calculations.  This data has substance of one mole Ca+2 and 2 moles OH-1 are present in solution.

The experiment also gives an idea of pertaining to the ph of substance that can be use if the solution is acidic or base. Some measurement as added like filtration paper in which some of its property like color has been change. PH indicator is good for detection how much acidic and base of substance is. This PH indicator for the measurement of [OH-1] in which it’s precisely measurement also th Ksp and the molar solubility. Ions have been added to solution to predict the molar solubility of said substances.


Hereby, this experiment has result, based on this the common ion was reduces the soluility of Sparingly Soluble Salt. We have 0.012 vs. 0.013. This agrees with LeChatelier’s principle.

Safety notes

On lab, always be ready for things, pls wear gloves cause substance can be irate skin, protect the eye, wear lab coat and be careful on chemical used. Don’t direct inhale near on experiment instead use mask for protection on do inhale and exhale near on experiment of chemistry. And be careful with indicator.

Solubility Products, Common Ion Effect, Hardness of Water : Experimental Procoline

            Procedures in experiment are interesting for scientist, student, or/ and researchers, chemist. Must be properly guide and be always have safely tools on it. There are 2 procedure on this experiment these are Determination of  Ksp  and Molar Solubility of Ca(OH)2
and Molar Solubility of Ca(OH)2 in the presence of Ca+2 .
Part I. Determination of  Ksp  and Molar Solubility of Ca(OH)2
1.      Prepare two 50-mL burets then clamp it. Fill each by a tap water and 1.25 x 10-3 Rinse the clean buret and on tap water dispense 25.00ml of water into a 125mL Erlenmeyer flask tip with two 2-mL portions of standardized NH3-NH4Cl solution Erlenmeyer flask.
2.      Next add 4 drops of eriochromeblack T indicator to the Erlenmeyer flash, Swirl, then place the Erlenmeyer flask under the burret containing the EDTA (red wine color). When it turns blue its good indication and the processed is done.
3.      Take a filter paper, fold it in quarters and partially in cone like a funnel and place it into 250 ml beaker. Slowly filter it on said experiment.
Rinse a 50-mL pipet with 1 or 2 mL of the saturated Ca(OH)2 solution and discard.  Pipet 50.00 mL of the filtrate into a clean 125-mL Erlenmeyer flask and add 4 drops of eriochromeblack T  indicator. Record the EDTA burret. Titrate with the standard HCl solution. Record the finaL volume (± 0.01mL) needed to just turn the solution color from red wine color to blue. Repeat the titration with two new samples of Ca(OH)2.

Part II. Determination of  Molar Solubility of Ca(OH)2 in the presence of Ca+2
1.      Repeat Part I, steps 2 – 3.
2.      Add 2ml of buffer solution to the Erlenmeyer flask followed by 4 drops eriochromeblack T indicator. Place this flask to burret with EDTA and record the titrate result done for the solution turn to blue.

Part A
Name of salt being used is:                 Calcium sulfate
Formula of the salt being used is:        CaSO4
Mass of salt used is:                             0.5g
Volume of water used:                         125mL

Name of the same salt used as used in Part A is                    Calcium sulfate             
Formula of the same salt used as used in Part A is                 CaSO4            
Mass of salt used is:                                                                 0.5g
Identity of the common ion salt (Na2SO4 or NaF)                 Na2SO4                       
Concentration of the stock solution                                       0.01
Volume of the stock solution used                                         100 mL

Part C

Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Initial tap water buret reading/mL
Final tap water buret reading/mL
Volume of the tap water dispensed from the buret/mL
Initial EDTA buret reading/mL
Final EDTA buret reading/mL
Volume of EDTA used for the titration/mL

Part D

Initial volume reading of buret containing the filtered salt solution 4.5 mL
Final Volume reading of buret containing th filtered salt solution 4.7 mL
Vcasoln = volume of the filtered salt solution used (32)-(31) is 0.2 mL
Initial volume reading of EDTA buret is 25 mL
Final volume reading of EDTA buret is 46 mL
VEDTA = Volume of EDTA used in (35)-(34) 25 mL

Part E
Initial volume reading of buret containing the filtered salt/common ion solution 40 mL
Final volume reading of buret containing the filtered salt/common ion solution 43 mL
Vcasoln =  Volume of filtered salt/common solution used = (41) – (40) = 3 mL
Initial volume reading of EDTA buret is 20 mL
Final volume reading of EDTA buret is 49 mL
VEDTA = Volume of EDTA used in (44)-(43) 29 mL

Solubility Products, Common Ion Effect, Hardness of Water : Introduction

     General term of equilibrium is zero balance on state, however in real thing it’s just a small fraction of state or body, for instance in body or thing which in state of little fraction of movement (according to formable bodies, branch of engineering materials, stress or strain) or in a branch of chemistry when ions concentrated on solution might slightly soluble. This follows a general description of LeChatelier’s principle.
        Mathematically a generic equilibrium on Ion effect of solution is reaction of a springily soluble salt having a general ratio
The corresponding equilibrium of expression (Ksp)

The ratio of cation to anion of 1:1.

The corresponding equilibrium of expression (Ksp)

Ratio 2:1

Ratio 1:2

Solubility Products, Common Ion Effect, Hardness of Water : Abstract

     In modern time, many discoveries are indeed useful to our health and to our society, this include the researches about salt that can be harmful to human if not tested carefully certainly by the expert and scientist. Upon of this, many apparatus and gadget in technology used about this and many procedure come up in a conclusion to benefits to human kind. In this case CT scans use for patient and these patients are given a springily soluble of salt, a suspension of  BaSO4 barium sulfate, just a little solubility because these are poisonous.

            Salts are springily soluble means it has low mass dissolves with water. Upon for this, the low concentration of solution has also low concentration of ions and slightly soluble.

            In this experiments, useful equipment are essential tools that properly instructed by standard and good things on procedures. A 50 mL burret (2), burret clamp, pipets and pi-pumps with some chemistry tools like beaker and stir rod are essential for this experiment. Carefully handle the tools and equipment with nice precision to have better results.

            The result of this experiment expected to be low solvent or the common ion reduces the solubility of Sparingly Soluble Salt that accordance to LeChatelier’s principle which states on equilibrium state of system will respond to restore a new equilibrium state, this could be near zero or balance.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Thermodynamic Concert with Semiconductor.

Thermodynamics or also know the study of energy forms that relate to physical science is useful on industries, country and this now said modern times.
Upon applied science, successful inventions are getting forward on a chemical reaction system that operates engines that relate to thermodynamics.
Chemical Kinetics or called reaction kinetics is a study of a rate of the chemical reaction by experimental by usually use if chemical reactors. <wikipedia.com>
The simplest type of reactor is a batch reactor. The material is loaded into the batch reactor and the reaction is allowed to continue over time. Discontinuous reactors do not reach the steady-state and often require temperature, pressure and volume control. Therefore, many discontinuous reactors have ports for sensors and inputs and outputs of materials. One example of a batch reactor is a pressure reactor.
This has a fluid reagent that stirred into a tank reactor by impeller for removing the effluent from a reactor. Division of volume of the tank by the average volumetric flow rate the tank over time that essential for a process on reactor fluid.
This reactor has a pump or tube that used for a pump a one or more fluid reagent. As the reagent passes through the PFR, the chemical reaction continues. In this type of reactor, the changing reaction rate produces a gradient with respect to the displacement distance. At PFR input, the speed is very fast, but as the product concentration increases, the reagent concentration decreases and the reaction rate decreases.
Semi-continuous reactors operate on continuous and batch inputs and outputs. For example, fermenters contain a medium that must be continuously removed and a stream of carbon dioxide that produces microorganisms.
Also implemented as plug flow reactors but a more complex process. The rate of the catalytic reaction is proportional to the amount of catalyst in contact with the reagent and the concentration of the reactants. Solid phase catalysts and liquid phase reactants are used which are directly proportional to the diffusion area of the reactants and products, the diffusion efficiency of the reactants and the efficiency of the mixture.
An ideal model does not mean axial mixing. Each liquid element passing through the reactor does not mix with the upstream or downstream liquid, as the term "component flow" implies.
Another thing to do is the reagent that placed within the reactor than the inlet that makes greater efficiency or low cost of the bar.
For efficiency, it has greater than a jacket of similar size. Also on speed percentage on jacket bar and not true for reversible feedback.
This is not 100% reaction complete, it has to do with a point on a dynamic equilibrium where reaction rate decrease.
Plug Flow Reactor use on the field of gas and liquid phase system for the use of it on gasoline production, oil crackling, synthesis of ammonia from that element and oxidation of sulfur dioxide to sulfur dioxide.

Good Coding Practices for Software developers

     Developers and most of them are on the right track that has a good result. In fact, in the behind of this prototypes, there is common no errors during the process of coding. This could be avoidable and be commonly used for a recheck and recognize it.
      There could be an action of 3 bad coding practices: the misalignment of code, also not put some comment on source code and make some typos errors.
      Would be good to have commented on the code in order to recognize more what that particular function does? Yes, the comment is a good habit of coding practices. Moreover, there is now IDE- Integrated Development Environment that can check the misalignment of code and typos errors.

 Being an analyst trainee, it is the first time encountered such algorithm that enhances coding skill. A worrying thing happened during on work time has been made, and that why be thankful for stuff that helped to solve some coding problems. There are some c programming exercises that encountered during that training. After all, the majority of problems depends on how virus embedded in PE header file and how it is being treated for the reverse engineering process. Due to the technical solution, there might be a solution, thanks to coworkers.
     Such an application is a need for its configuration, some step can check how its work.
Step 1.     It's quality and requirements
     Due to many designs of the product, it is important how this product's performance, set an expectation what would it is quality.
Step 2.     Check what it's a platform
     Many software packages have been modified for each platform. This suit its functionality.
Step 3.     Use the platform and also sharing is good.
     This includes the code quality of an application. Github is good for sharing information about software codes. And, JIRA is the most commonly used tool for bug tracking

     Being a developer consultant (on online), that was a heck of analyzing codes of c++. Some are not been made on time, however, thanks to the developer Zohar Mozafi he considered the time at true skills.  This had an exercise of c/c++ programming language. Some of the time to analyze is to get information on the internet. Many developers have encountered such as this.